Privacy policy

All customer information is treated confidentially. When ordering from the online store, you are required to have familiarized yourself with and agreed to the delivery conditions valid at any given time.

Personal data is managed by:

W Design Finland

y ID: 3241033-8

You can contact:


W Design Finland collects and processes personal data only to the extent that it is necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this privacy statement.

The personal data collected and the scope of their processing vary depending on the relationship between W Design Finland and the customer or the user of the online services, the permissions and prohibitions given for the processing and marketing of personal data, and the cookie and tracking settings of the browser used.

Personal information provided

In various contexts of the customer or user of online services, such as when ordering a product or newsletter or registering for an online service,

W Personal data provided by Design Finland may include, for example:

basic information such as name and contact information

order and billing information, such as information about the payer and recipient of the order, as well as their email address and phone number

customer service information, such as customer feedback, communication with customer service

permission information, such as information about marketing permissions or other permissions and prohibitions related to the use of personal data

information about responses to surveys, surveys or competitions conducted by W Design Finland or its partners

call data, such as for customer service calls.

Data collected from the use of online services

Data collected from the use of online services include, for example:

information collected from the device or application used, such as browser version, device type or screen size

information about the use of online services, such as information about page downloads, time spent in online services, movement in online services or advertising or marketing content seen

information about websites opened through customer communication

location information collected based on the ip address with city accuracy

information collected by community affiliates or other third parties.

The user of the online services can be identified based on the digital identifier created for the services, when the customer logs in or arrives at the online service through targeted customer communication such as a newsletter. Information about the use of online services is collected by using cookies. More information about cookie policies.

Derived and combined data

In order to better serve its customers and users of online services, W Design Finland refines collected personal data by analyzing them with various statistical methods and by combining data collected from different sources.

The aforementioned methods can be used to make assumptions about, for example, interests, gender, age group, purchasing behavior or other similar characteristics. These assumptions are based on the given or collected information mentioned in the previous paragraph. To ensure the privacy of consumers, W Design Finland does not make assumptions about information that is considered sensitive.

W Design Finland safeguards the privacy of its customers or users of online services by conducting the management and combining of data described above with special caution so that the privacy of customers or users of online services is not compromised.


W Design Finland collects personal data to manage customer relations, develop products and services, and for commercial purposes.

Customer relationship management

W Design Finland uses customers' personal data for various measures that are necessary in terms of managing the customer relationship, such as, for example:

To deliver product orders

for customer relationship maintenance or customer communication

to customer service or other customer support

for invoicing

for conducting contests or sweepstakes

The processing of personal data for managing the customer relationship is based on an agreement between W Design Finland and the customer on the delivery of a product or service or on another measure forming the customer relationship.

The customer has the opportunity to influence the processing of personal data for managing the customer relationship by contacting customer service at

Development of products and services

W Design Finland uses the information of customers or users of online services to develop products or services and to improve the quality and supply of the service. Measures taken to develop products or services may include, for example, product or content recommendations or personalization of services.

Products and services are also developed with the help of surveys and feedback.

The more specific purpose of the data collected in studies and surveys, as well as the storage of the data, is explained separately in connection with each study or survey.

The processing of personal data for the development of products and services is based on W Design Finland's legitimate interest in utilizing the data for the benefit of its customers and users of its online services.

The user of online services can influence the use of data in the development of products and services with cookie settings.

Commercial uses

W Design Finland can use the information of customers or users of online services for marketing, advertising or other commercial measures. The information can be used, for example, in advertising targeting, direct marketing or displaying ads on third-party platforms.

Data processing for commercial purposes is based on the customer's consent in the case of electronic direct marketing. Regarding other advertising and product recommendations, the processing of personal data is based on W Design Finland's legitimate interest.

The customer can influence the targeting of advertising in customer service. The user of online services can influence the targeting of advertising with cookie settings or third-party advertising screens by adjusting the platforms' own advertising settings.


W Design Finland uses personal data to fulfill the purposes described above in the section Purposes of use of personal data and legal basis for processing. In addition, W Design Finland can use the services of third parties, in which case W Design Finland ensures the legal processing of data through contractual arrangements and instructs third parties on data processing.

W Design Finland may share or disclose personal data to third parties in the following situations, for example:

When the applicable legislation obliges to hand over personal data. The disclosure of personal data may then be necessary, for example, at the request of an authority or to implement a legal process.

Marketing measures. Handing over or sharing personal data to other registrars or personal data processors may then be necessary, for example, to perform market research, deliver advertising material, or perform online advertising.

W Design Finland may hand over personal data to third parties if it is necessary to guarantee the rights or safety of W Design Finland and the customer or user, to investigate fraud or to respond to official inquiries.

Transferring personal data outside the EU/EEA area

As a rule, W Design Finland does not transfer or process data outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. If data is exceptionally transferred outside the EU/EEA area, an adequate level of personal data protection is ensured in accordance with the applicable legislation.


W Design Finland keeps personal data as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes defined in section 3. Current legislation, such as the GDPR, accounting or other mandatory legislation may, however, oblige you to retain personal data even after the purpose of the processing has ended. In such situations, the storage periods specified in the applicable legislation are observed.


W Design Finland undertakes to take care of the privacy protection of customers and users of online services and the rights according to data protection legislation. Listed below are the most important rights and opportunities for influencing customers in relation to the processing of personal data:

The customer has the right to access his personal data and the right to demand corrections to incorrect data.

The customer has the right to request the deletion of his personal data to the extent that it is possible within the framework of other legislation.

The customer has the right to prohibit direct marketing or object to the processing of his personal data for direct marketing purposes. In addition, the customer has the opportunity to influence in which channels direct marketing is carried out.

For requests related to the rights described above, you can contact W Design Finland's customer service:

The user of W Design Finland's online services has the right to influence the use of cookies and other similar technologies in W Design Finland's services. You can find more information about the use of cookies and the possibilities of influence related to them in W Design Finland's cookie policy.


W Design Finland takes care of the secure processing of personal data with appropriate data security measures. Personal data is protected against loss, destruction, misuse, unauthorized access and disclosure. Data secure processing is ensured, for example, by limiting access to data and ensuring that our employees and subcontractors use personal data in accordance with the given instructions and agreements.


W Design Finland reserves the right to update this privacy statement, for example due to the development of services or mandatory legislation. Changes and updates to the privacy statement will be announced on W Design Finland's website.